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Middle School Program

Middle School

Middle School Program

The Redlands eAcademy is excited to offer a blended learning program designed specifically for middle schoolers.  Students attend 2-3 days per week and receive 90 minutes of interactive instruction each week per core class with up to 12 peers and a teacher.  Students work independently on non-attending days and on mornings/afternoons before or after class time.  Parents help ensure daily work is accomplished using easy-to-track curriculum.

The student (and parent if they wish) meets weekly one-on-one with a supervising teacher via Zoom (or on campus) to review progress and set weekly personal goals. At home, the parent is expected to review completed work with their child, help with assignments and projects and ensure that learning activities take place daily.

Students are required to attend all state testing sessions and district assessments. The Middle School curriculum is based on state standards and prepares students for high school.  In additon we offer clubs such as coding, running, choir and more.